Thursday 28 October 2010

BSkyB financial major error!

How can such major company, BSkyB, make such mistake on their financial report? And NO ONE, well except your humble butler, moi!, spotted it?
Go into the last press financial release from BSkyB and check the subscribers' figures... it says 6 millions instead of 9.9m for a financial release, it's a bit catastrophic, isn't it? Or is this just to deter News Corp to loow away?

Wednesday 20 October 2010

IFS contredicts Chancellor, once again - Draft 1

The British Chancellor and future Lord Osborne has again shown his sense of irony to his fellow MPs and to the country.
Having said that he will tax the richest to distribute to the poor, he may have forgotten his motto when calculating the costs of his cuts to the poor. According to the fiscal experts of the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS), an independent self-governed body, the cuts are "regressive" and "not progressive" as the Government would have liked it to be. In other words, regressive means proportionally taxing the poorest more than the richest. Last August, the IFS had already stated that the budget was hitting the poorest hardest to the fury of the Treasury and the deputy PM, Nick Clegg.
It must be therefore slightly embarrassing for the current Chancelor to be rebuffed twice in less than three months on his main stance by the IFS.
Time will soon say and possibly prouve that the first decisions of the first Tory-Lib Dem government since WW2 were more ideological than economically orientated.

This is What I called No Coverage!

Looking to get some footage from ITV or the BBC about the miners rescue of last week (13 and 14th October), I was amazed that after surfing for ours across the BBC, ITV and ITN websites and they different online players, it was impossible to get any bit of the ITV or BBC 10 o'clok news! Not even that old good youtube, nicht! That is What I called No coverage!

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Charity Plane Crash: 3 dead - Draft 1

A plane crashed yesterday in the North of Spain with 3 people onboard.

The plane was part of a charity flying rally from France to Senegal. It is understood that the plane after crashing against a small mountain, exploded on a large oak tree in the Basque region around 12h45 local time.

The victims were of French nationality and were participating in the sponsored Latécoère leading military airplane manufacturer charity. An event which regrouped this year 14 other planes when the drama happened.

According to the Spanish and French authorities the causes are unknown but it si more likely that the pilot lost the control of its plane at a time of fog and in a remote montainous area, difficult to access. The remains of the plane and bodies were recovered by the Guardia Civil, the loca police after the indications of a local hunter.

The Latécoère challenge is a flying race charity with experienced pilots taking part in the funding of education programmes in Senegal.

Antz M-L for Metropolitan Radio News

How to manipulate quotes - Draft 1 for blogging

So, who said:"I think that the presence of millions of immigrants in our country is costy for our economy and constitutes an important social charge because we supply, freely of course, through our socialised system, creches, free education, all a series of services to people who don't even participate in the current management of the country, to the maintenance and (don't even) invest in it."
So who said this? Excellent question!
Answer: no! no! no! (Remember this one?)! It's not a British conservative politician or even a blairite! Simply Jean-Marie Le Pen in January 1988, but you must admit that it could or may have sound a bit like some off-the record speechs from right-wingers...
Antz' comments on the above: Drawing a parallel between the most well-known European far-right politician, J-M. Le Pen and British conservatives' latest political speeches is easy but unfortunately incorrect and may lead to confusion between what politicians really say and the interpretation people get through medias or part-heard thru third parties. Manipulation is easy for broadcasters!