Wednesday 13 October 2010

How to manipulate quotes - Draft 1 for blogging

So, who said:"I think that the presence of millions of immigrants in our country is costy for our economy and constitutes an important social charge because we supply, freely of course, through our socialised system, creches, free education, all a series of services to people who don't even participate in the current management of the country, to the maintenance and (don't even) invest in it."
So who said this? Excellent question!
Answer: no! no! no! (Remember this one?)! It's not a British conservative politician or even a blairite! Simply Jean-Marie Le Pen in January 1988, but you must admit that it could or may have sound a bit like some off-the record speechs from right-wingers...
Antz' comments on the above: Drawing a parallel between the most well-known European far-right politician, J-M. Le Pen and British conservatives' latest political speeches is easy but unfortunately incorrect and may lead to confusion between what politicians really say and the interpretation people get through medias or part-heard thru third parties. Manipulation is easy for broadcasters!

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